In the Kimbanda Reading we'll be able to understand the energies that influence your destiny and the different areas of life, who your Eshus and Pombagiras are and the correct way to balance your energies.
Learn the foundations and spells of Exu and Pombagira in Kimbanda! More than 12 hours of exclusive content for you!
Book + Four Couwrie Shells set, for your own practices
Collective ritual for prosperity and financial growth. Have the protection and blessing of Eshu Mayoral for a whole year and achieve your greatest goals!
Consecrated to Eshu Mayoral, ready to use on your readings!
Aprenda a jogar e interpretar o verdadeiro oráculo da Quimbanda
!00% natural, made with cinnamon, pitanga and ylang-ylang essential oils & gorse, larch and chicory Bach florals.
!00% natural, made with white sage, sandalwood and lemongrass essential oils & cerato Bach florals.
!00% natural, made with lavender, rosemary and jasmine essential oils & chestnut bud, elm and olive Bach florals.
!00% natural, made with lavender, white sage, myrrh, rue and citronella essential oils & chest bud, centaury and crab apple Bach florals.
!00% natural, made with palo santo, rosemary, sandalwood, cinnamon and clove essential oils & elm, cerato, gorse and white chestnut Bach florals.
!00% natural, made with violet, benzoin, lemongrass and jasmine essential oils & impatiens and olive Bach florals.
!00% natural, made with roses, pitanga, musk, ylang ylang and patchouly essential oils & wild rose, larch, chicory and pine Bach florals.
!00% natural. Made with lavender, violet and citronella essential oils & impatiens + chestnut bud Bach florals.
What if you could become the creator of you own happiness, changing the reality around you and achieving your dreams with the power of African Gods and Goddesses?
A complete guide to working with the Birth Odus of your Orisha Birth Chart to achieve self-conscious and transform your life!
Discover the Power, Magic, and Secrets of Afro-Brazilian Herbal Magic and learn how to use the magical powers of nature in your home rituals!
A guide to the history and practice of Kimbanda, the black magic tradition of Brazil
With the Sacred Leaves Trilogy: Powers, Magics and Secrets, you will learn how to use the magical powers of nature in your home rituals!
A full analysis of your Birth Odus , where we will identify and understand the regent Odus of birthday and it´s influence over your life.
In a deep consultation + your Orishas Birth Chart, you will be able to understand in detail how your inner and outer energies affect your present life, who are your regent Orishas, and how to safely tread the paths they hold for you.
In the Cowrie Shell Divination we can understand the energies that influence your destiny and the different areas of life, who are your regent Orishas, and the correct way to balance your energies. Indicated for moments of doubts and personal questions.
The love match between you and your loved one through the complete analysis of the couple's Birth Odus, where we will identify and understand your relationship's rulings and ways to balance the energies between you!
In the third volume of The Sacred Leaves trilogy, a guide with tips and techniques to transform your day-to-day life with magic!
In this 2nd volume of The Sacred Leaves Trilogy, an illustrated dictionary of magic with herbs: 365 species, their powers and ruling Orishas!
In the 1st volume of The Sacred Leaves Trilogy you'll learn to identify and combine the powers of the herbs to create your own magic rituals!
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